Affect normal fires

From Ardrana

Revision as of 18:44, 6 November 2015 by Dewelar (Talk | contribs) (Minor fix)

The affect normal fires spell enables the wizard to cause non-magical fires to reduce in size and brightness to become mere coals or increase in light to become as bright as full daylight and increase the illumination to double the normal radius. Note that this does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the fire.

The caster can affect any or all fires in the spell's area. He can alter their intensities with a single gesture as long as the spell is in effect. The spell lasts until the caster cancels it, all fuel is burned, or the duration expires. The caster can also extinguish all flames in the area, which expends the spell immediately. The spell does not affect fire elementals or similar creatures.

Note: This version of armor originally appeared in the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons from TSR. Its use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.