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The seeking spell allows the caster to ensorcel normal, non-enchanted missiles no larger than a javelin. When shot or hurled at a target, these missiles unerringly seek the target, hitting nothing else. The missiles can go around objects or corners if the target was visible when the spell was cast, but the missiles cannot pass through solid obstructions. For example, if the target closes a door, the missiles slam into the door and cannot be removed until the spell wears off.

The normal range of such missiles can be extended to the distance of the target creature as long as the opponent uses only ordinary methods of escape. If the target plane shifts, teleports, blinks, or uses some other means of instantaneous transport, the missile can no longer home in on its target. It falls to the ground, useless.

This spell is not an automatic guarantee of success. Rather, it ensures that archers and slingers, when firing into melee, will not accidentally hit those who are on their side. This spell is especially useful for battles or shots in narrow corridors. If the person firing the arrow or bullet can see the target, he can fire for normal damage without fear of damaging comrades.

Note: This spell originally appeared in this form in The Complete Book of Elves for the AD&D game from TSR. Its use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.