
From Ardrana

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The sphere of law is the antithesis of the sphere of Chaos. The sphere of law is based on two principles. The first is that the group is more powerful than the sum of the individuals who make up the group. The second is that the individual must obey established rules whether or not he personally thinks they are good rules. In both cases, the idea of order is exploited, sometimes beneficially, sometimes harmfully.

The beneficial spells of the sphere of law draw upon the first principle. Such spells coordinate the power of a group of characters. By using spells of this sphere, individuals who work closely together can become focused into a strong, united force.

The harmful spells of the sphere draw upon the second principle; they take the concept of law one step too far and prevent the individual from operating with a free will. These spells limit a person's choices and obliterate spontaneity and individual thought and action. Whereas beneficial spells draw a group together, harmful spells isolate the individual or even subjugate him to the commands of another person.

Deities of rulership, kingship, community, and culture are likely to act in this sphere.

Note: Law as described here originally appeared in the Tome of Magic for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons from TSR. Its use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.