
From Ardrana

Revision as of 18:37, 2 March 2016 by Dewelar (Talk | contribs) (Minor fixes)

By using the chill spell, the caster can reduce the temperature of nonliving liquid or solid material by about 40º F, subject to a minimum temperature of freezing (32º F). The chill lasts for but an instant, after which the object warms slowly back to normal temperature.

This reverse of this spell, warm, warms the liquid or solid, causing its temperature to rise at most about 40° F. The cantrip cannot raise the temperatures of a living creature above its normal body temperature, nor the temperature of an object above 140° F. Warm also lasts but an instant, after which the object slowly cools to normal temperatures.

Note: This spell originally appeared in this form in Unearthed Arcana for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons from TSR. Its use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.