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Prometheus is a Greek god, the son of a titan and a nymph, and the brother of Atlas and Epimetheus. He is the patron of wisdom in that part of the world. When the gods revolted against the titans, Prometheus sided with the gods since he correctly deduced the outcome of the struggle.

Prometheus is credited in Greek legend with molding the first man and woman from clay, and he has made it his task to help mankind whenever possible. He taught humans many of the civilized arts, including the medicinal use of plants, cultivation of grains. and domestication of wild animals. He also stole fire from the sun and gave it to humankind. For this affront, Zeus ordered Prometheus chained to a mountain top, where his perpetually-regenerating liver was torn out afresh each day by a griffon-vulture until he was freed by Hercules. After he was freed, Prometheus was invited to Mount Olympus to join the gods.

Prometheus is the only titan worshiped as a god. Prometheus expects his priests to be self-reliant, but not self-centered. Trickery and cunning are fair weapons but only if the end serves the human race as a whole. Prometheus will ride with faithful priests against any force, even the most powerful god, but he takes a dim view of priests calling upon him unless they have absolutely no chance of survival otherwise. Priests of Prometheus will take any available opportunity to kill a griffon.

Note: Prometheus originally appeared in this form in Deities and Demigods for the AD&D game from TSR. His use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.