
From Ardrana

Revision as of 14:42, 24 May 2009 by Dewelar (Talk | contribs) (Unprotected "Ardrana")

Ardrana is...the world, or at least the world as far as the stories are concerned. Ardrana has four moons, three major continents, several large oceans, and lots and lots of adventures.

Below is a list of people who have run adventures involving Ardrana:

  • John Proulx (co-creator and current keeper of the world)
  • John Ritskowitz (co-creator)
  • Gary Burness
  • Kevin Clark
  • David England
  • Sean Hayden
  • Rusty Larner
  • Wendy Marques
  • Mark Proulx
  • Shelley Proulx
  • Michael Ritskowitz
  • Roger Sayen
  • Jim Sugrue

...and probably others that I'm forgetting. The list of gamers who have played in games using the world is too numerous to mention here.

Below are a few links to important information about Ardrana. If you want to use this campaign world, let us know!

People of Ardrana (and the rest of the campaign multiverse)

Places of Ardrana (and the rest of the campaign multiverse)

Creatures of Ardrana (and the rest of the campaign multiverse)

Adventures involving people from Ardrana