
From Ardrana

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An older brother of Zeus, Poseidon is the god of the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, and earthquakes. Poseidon has the power to create new life forms, and is the creator of bulls and horses. This power often brings him into conflict with Athena. He can also summon and control any non-divine form of sea life, and change his own shape into that of any living being at will. In his true form, he is a man standing a hundred feet tall.

Poseidon is a possessive god, his waves constantly lapping at the land belonging to his fellow gods, breaking off a bit here and a bit there. Poseidon also has a terrible temper, and vents his rage in the form of storms or earthquakes. His churlish disposition causes his fellow gods to consider him a foolish old fellow, but only the mighty Zeus would dare say so to his face. If any coastal polis neglects his worship, he is quick to flood it with a tidal wave or smash it with an earthquake. Omens from Poseidon take the form of storms, trembling ground, or visits from hideous, newly created monsters. When especially pleased with a priest, Poseidon rewards him with a paladin-quality warhorse, or by creating a spring in a place of the priest’s choosing.

In Latium and the eastern Obsidian Mountains, Poseidon is worshipped under the name Neptune.

Note: Poseidon originally appeared in this form in Legends & Lore for the AD&D game from TSR. His use here is for the purposes of providing context for the campaign only.