Lake Twerrik

From Ardrana

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Lake Twerrik is a large freshwater lake in the region of Rannas i'Drasoin known as The Gloom. It is located at the bottom of the Wall of Night, where the Pol Vishar River plummets down from above via Twerrik Falls at the city of Ugarra.

It is believed that Lake Twerrik is a relatively new geographical feature, having been created following the Great Cataclysm of the Second Civilization. Before that, the Pol Vishar is thought to have run southward through what is now Enedzeram to the Polar Sea. Now, it instead empties into the lake, which is the largest by volume and deepest in the Rannas.

Being located at the bottom of Twerrik Falls, the lake sees more than its share of thrill-seekers plunging into its depths from above. It is said that its bottom is littered with the bones of foolish creatures who dared make the attempt, and the treasures of both those creatures and the unsuspecting ships that attempted to navigate the Pol Vishar. However, few brave its depths, which are quite murky due to the constant churning of the falls, but are also home to a band of merrow. There are also rumors of a veritable army of lacedons, formed from the corpses of the falls' victims.