
From Ardrana

Revision as of 12:36, 26 July 2008 by Dewelar (Talk | contribs) (Added italics)

Tashbar is a Human fighter who was fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time. He was serving as second mate aboard a merchant ship out of Tannekor, trading pearls from the rich oyster beds of the area for other goods. The company was annexed by the local lord, who appointed his nephew -- the very definition of a greenhorn -- as the new captain. This didn't sit well with Tashbar and others in the crew, and a fight broke out in the local watering hole. Tashbar found himself thrown in the local prison, and the captain thought he was well rid of him and left him high and dry. It is this encounter to which Tashbar attributes the scar on his left cheek.

Another bar patron who was in the fight and who had also found herself in a cell struck up a conversation with him. It turned out that she was a privateer named Medina who was just getting her start in the area. Having been impressed with his demeanor, she offered him a position as first mate on her own ship, the S.S. Impresa, which he accepted.

Tashbar comes off as very gruff to others, but he ensured a well-organized and satisfied crew aboard Medina's ship, and after a few years Medina had earned enough to buy a second ship, the S.S. Intrepido. Wanting to expand her business to the western coast of the Lanad, she gave Tashbar the captaincy of the Intrepido, as well as a stake in the business. Several of Medina's crew transferred to the new vessel and, knowing he would need someone who knew the coast well, Tashbar chose Kazuo, a sailor from Jiberia whom he'd met during their travels, as his first mate. As it is not a large vessel, the Intrepido is mainly a passenger ship, but it occasionally carries small loads of cargo.