
From Ardrana

Mazhik (as with all Karisian names, this spelling is an approximation at best) was a Karis mercenary from Slian. He prided himself, despite being a generalist mage, on being very versatile in his craft - both offensively and defensively. He believed in directed magical attacks rather than area assaults as these often lead to unintended casualties.

After an incident involving a local mage that ended in Mazhik's being dismissed and his spellbook destroyed, he made his way to Arindol, where he did magely-type odd jobs until he could rebuild his book. He chanced upon meeting Brozhin and his squire in a local bar there a couple years ago and shared his tale of misfortune with them. The trio began working together, eventually winding up in Promise Junction working for the town guard. However, his past eventually caught up with him, and he was killed by the bounty hunter Marcanto.