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The Empire of Sambarria is located in the central region of Rannas i'Drasoin. It is bordered on the north by the Inner Kingdom, on the south by the Zemodi Desert, on the west by the Living Ocean, and on the east by the Forest of Thir. Its ruler is a man known primarily as The Colonel, and as his appellation implies, the country is very much a military dictatorship. Sambarria's capital was once the city of Standrick, in the southern part of the empire, but since The Colonel's rise to power, it has been moved to the more central city of Warroad.

Before The Colonel's arrival, Sambarria was a small country, centered on Standrick. It was ruled by King Herkett, a hereditary monarch whose family had controlled the city since it was built by his ancestor, King Tantrest, three hundred years ago. Sitting at the northern end of the Zemodi Trail, Standrick was strategically important, and Herkett spent much of his reign defending the city from other small countries which often sought to take over.

Seventeen years ago, a man named Ozrick Heth had risen to a position of command within Sambarria's military. He felt that rather than continually defend the country, the king needed to bolster his military and go on the offensive against his neighbors. The king refused, and Colonel Heth seized power, eventually having Herkett executed. He ordered that from now on, he should simply be referred to as "Colonel" rather than by his name, and thus was an empire born.

Under The Colonel, Sambarria became an expansionist power. Over the years, it has conquered many of its neighbors, and it now occupies most of the central section of the Rannas. Most recently, there have been a number of border skirmishes with The Inner Kingdom. It is believed that The Colonel is testing their defenses for an eventual invasion.