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The island of Leffotin is the second-largest of the Palm Islands (Transha being the largest), a group of scattered islands in the Sea of Egaby off the southwestern coast of Lanad i'Sarois, and also the closest to the mainland. While technically part of the Duchy of Morelenas, it is generally allowed to operate as an autonomous entity, governed by the Baroness Elizia. Its capital and largest city is Cerot. Leffotin is the only one of the Palm Islands that is not part of the Duchy of Transha.

During the Wars of Arin, the island was used on some occasions as a safe haven for the members of the White Council during times when the major cities of Kellan were under attack. There is a large fortification in the center of the island that was meant to be a place where the White Alliance might regroup, or if necessary make its last stand, but it was never necessary. Today, that fortification is mostly abandoned, though parts of it are still used for storage.