Shem Al Adeen
From Ardrana
Shem Al Adeen was a Human myrikhan from Rogariel. Dedicated to Varice, he traveled across the Lanad in his efforts to spread the flames of justice.
Early life
Shem was born to a middle-class family in Rogariel. His father, a relatively successful grocer and distributer raised his first-born to take over the family business. Shem, as second-born son, was therefore always intended to join the clergy. His parents were both extremely religious, and raised Shem to be a devout follower of Varice. Shem was offered a rather intense training by a local school of the sect, where he excelled in the study of languages and in the use of the blade. These two talents caused the local priesthood to recommend shem to the prime temple as a candidate to become a holy warrior.
The testing
Years passed, years that saw Shem grow in skill and knowledge. He rose swiftly through the ranks of his classes. Eventually recognized as one of the top students, Shem was awarded with a quest to define his calling. His quest would be to go into the Seven Deserts and suffer in Varice's heat until such time as the God thought him purified enough to be contacted. For weeks Shem wandered, drinking little, eating less, and letting the sun cleanse his flesh. Some time during the third week Shem stumbled upon a dried up oasis, which must have been part of an ancient trade route. He collapsed in the shade of a broken and defiled statue of Varice, praying for guidance and hope. And, finally, his prayers were answered. A being, made of dazzling light, bringing with it the heat of the Sun, appeared, and told Shem that his words of praise and wishes for recognition had been heard. Varice had called him to counter a great evil -- one that would upset the balance, and ultimately darken the world. Shem would be accorded the great honor as one of Varice's holy warriors to fight only for the promotion of good, instead of equality and justice.
With a final flurish of flame, the being bid Shem to go back to the temples, prophesize what he had learned, and go out in the world to train himself for the coming struggle. The being finally vanished, leaving a beautifully crafted scimitar inscribed with a flame. Shem carried this blade always as the light of goodness that shines in the face of inbalance.
Upon returning to the temple, Shem discussed his calling with the priests. Though they were surprised, they could not disqualify the presence of the scimitar. They bid Shem to stay with them, and complete his training before leaving to explore the world. But the being had been specific, Shem was to leave his home town, and find his way with Varice's guidance.
More years passed. Shem traveled throughout the world, and had many experiences. His wit, skill, and wisdom saw him through many difficult times. Always, he worked to promote the side of good. Always intending to convert evil instead of destroying life on the world, he still gained an understanding of the value of a swift blade.
Eventually, Shem found himself in a temple of Varice in Nazivonema, to him a strange city on a river, which was part of a group of like-minded faiths in that city. He learned of a great coming evil, and understanding what these tidings meant, asked to join the quest to fight against it. He knew that it is this swing in the balance that it is his life's quest to combat. He would give all he has to project his God's will. Indeed, he gave his all, as he was slain (fireball backlash) during a siege of a fortress controlled by the Maluur.
Shem was a PC played by Randy Hammer.