Saving Flohrilynn

From Ardrana

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This adventure found Beatrice and her company aiding the druids in an attempt to save Flohrilynn Forest from the depradations of The Black Czar. They boarded the S.S. Impresa captained by Medina in order to accompany Yavanna to the forest, which was her homeland. In the end, they were forced to turn back when Yavanna fell ill, having been poisoned by a spy for The Black Czar. When they returned to Lanad i'Sarois, they discovered that The Black Czar's minions, the Maluur, had also attacked Shael i'Vor. They aided the druids in driving them back, a time during which the Grand Druid, Venatis, was killed. Muir was also among those who fell during the battle. Unfortunately, this was a temporary victory, as the forest fell following a second attack.

This adventure was run by John Proulx. The following characters were involved in this adventure at one time or another: