Into the Borderlands

From Ardrana

Revision as of 16:17, 1 May 2013 by Phichta (Talk | contribs) (Session Events 20130428)

After being paid for their previous mission, everyone in Kurzik's group went out to the festival. Stom, Pete, Melctz and Shmo took their turn running an arm-wrestling booth for the temple of Perasin. Thoren and Cedic came over to try their luck, with Thoren defeating Melctz and Cedic nearly breaking Pete's arm. The group then met back at the Red Dragon Inn, where Simry was talking with Thomlin and another member of his troupe, Norville. Morithelwen also returned with Meriel and was introduced to the party. The group went their separate ways during the course of the evening, and again the next morning.

Seeking a new mission

Kurzik went to the temple of Severn, where he spoke to Koltar. They discussed the completed mission, then Kurzik asked for information about Dekh and leads on a new mission. Koltar suggested he speak to someone at the temple of Sedric. Meanwhile, Meriel went looking for employment at the Chamber of Commerce, hoping to secure work as a translator. She spoke to the secretary, Judson, who mentioned several positions, but when Meriel mentioned Cypress' name as a referral, he closed up shop and scurried off, much to the mage's dismay.

Pleh Detnaw returned to class at Tarkus Academy, where he spoke briefly with one of his abjuration classmates, Korey. Korey expressed an interest in joining an adventuring group, and Pleh attempted to discourage him from joining Kurzik's group, as he claimed his talents were wasted. Korey was undeterred, and Pleh suggested he speak to Kurzik.

Cypress returned to the RDI with Lucille and three others. One was Melio, whom Skellion recognized as his contact with the Thieves' Guild of Nazivonema. He came over to meet with Fleur, and introduced the other as Lavitas, who would be inspecting her sister Fauna's equipment to see what could be sold. He also mentioned that his last companion, Arnje, was looking to hire adventurers, and he would steer him their way if they intended to continue working together, but he warned her not to approach Arnje until he had prepared the way.

Just as Cypress, Lavitas and Fleur left the main room, Meriel returned looking for Cypress. She spoke to Brianna who offered to go to her temple and inquire about jobs within the city and quickly took her leave. Landra, the daytime barkeep, also tried to ease Meriel's concerns with minimal success. Melio, hearing her in high dudgeon, went up and filled Cypress in. The Halfling suspected a connection with the mysterious communications from the Council of Merchants and went down to try and calm the mage. Cypress promised to look into matters for all concerned and departed as well.

Brianna visited the temple of Helandra, where she spoke to one of the priests, a Halfling named Pharias Brend, about the issue with Cypress and possible employment for Meriel. Meriel wrote a letter to Fleur's mother, Odette Differouskaya, to be picked up by her in Willowbridge, and Fleur repaid her by paying for her room and board for the day. Meanwhile, Kurzik and his three companions met Sloj and Xotznoxl at the arm-wrestling booth. Kurzik asked them what they knew about Sedric, and learned of his importance to the city.

Brianna and Skellion returned to the RDI and joined Meriel and Fleur at their table. Morithelwen arrived soon after along with Rei, a priestess of fire that was helping with her divination class. Mori told those at the table of Rei's involvement with the bonfire taking place the following night, and they discussed the various forms of entertainment surrounding the event. The Dwarves and genasi arrived and sat at a separate table while Xotznoxl joined the others. Xotz showed everyone some chalk that he'd purchased from a booth Simry had shown him that actually was flavored -- although he didn't like some that was green, which he put on the table and Skellion pocketed.

Brianna inquired if Meriel had had any luck on the job front and indicated that she had some information she'd tell her later. Meanwhile, Skellion, being antsy with the lack of activity, darted over to Lucille and Arnje, where Lucille told him to go to the guild and see Melio for a job. Skellion abruptly departed and asked Lucille to let Brianna know where he had gone.

Simry and Stom arrived, and Stom proudly displayed a packet with the Battle Snack he had earned. The subject of finding a new adventure was revisited, and Fleur said that Cypress had mentioned he might have a mission. Xotznoxl told Simry that Kurzik wanted to talk to her about something. Simry excused herself and Stom followed her over to the Dwarves' table while the others continued to chat. Brianna told Meriel about some ideas for making money, including the possibility of scribing magical scrolls.

Putting out feelers

After a brief interruption by Swiftfoot, Kurzik told Simry of his meeting with Koltar. They discussed the shortcomings of the other party members, and decided they would see what missions were available before recruiting new members. Meanwhile, Stom told Xotz that missions had come up, and he relayed the information to the others, who had been discussing Cypress. Brianna joined them and accompanied Simry and Thoren to Sedric's temple for leads. Meriel departed as well to pursue Brianna's leads. Stom and Xotznoxl left for Perasin's temple and Kurzik, Zemetreseni, and Cedic headed out in search of a smithy so they might pay homage to Vulcan.

The trio arrived at Sedric's temple and spoke with an acolyte, Sparrow, and a newly-returned priest, Keladryn. Sparrow suggested adventures in the swamps as they tended to pay well, but Simry and Brianna seemed uncertain so the Halfling suggested retrieving a yak -- the mount of a friend of Keladryn's named Molbo -- which was in Semmarch. Keladryn tried to determine how much experience the group had and learned that these were the folks who were involved with the Council of Merchants mission to Pallinnore. When Thoren mentioned interest in an underground mission, Sparrow suggested looking into the Drow outpost in the Ruisti Forest, but Thoren, Simry and Keladryn all agreed that this group, despite its makeup, wouldn't fit for an information-gathering mission. Working as caravan guards was also suggested, but it met with little favor, so the idea of retrieving the yak topped the list, so the group went to Perasin's temple to speak with Molbo.

Meriel arrived at The Arcanist, the magic shop to which Brianna referred her, and spoke to its owner, Andiklor. After some give and take, she spent some time scribing a scroll with the magic missile spell. It met with his approval, and he gave her material for another, with the understanding that she would return these if she didn't write any scrolls before leaving the city. She agreed and headed to Tarkus Academy.

Keladryn and company headed to Perasin's temple and spoke with Great Priest Molbo. He told them about his yak, named Edam, the giff, the toll-takers that guard the bridge into Hanaellan that carry fire sticks. Sparrow told them that he had heard that the RDI there had reopened. Molbo and the group each went to discuss the matter with their fellows. Once Stom and Xotz were filled in, the group returned to the RDI. They arrived to find Fleur had nearly passed out from drinking and joined her.

As Simry took a look at the announcement board, Brianna spoke with Lucille and Harold, who told her that she should go speak with folks at her temple regarding Cypress. Lucille also encouraged her to seriously consider Arnje's mission lead and Brianna suggested they all talk after supper that evening before departing. Meanwhile, Simry noted an owl flying around outside the inn and a man attempting to calm it. She, and later Stom, went outside and the man, Korey Mekell, told them he was an abjurer who was interested in taking Pleh's place. Stom and Simry advised him to speak with the others.

The two genasi and Kurzik arrived at dinnertime and Korey expressed his interest in joining the group. Kurzik warned that he keep his familiar, the owl, away from the genasi and that there had been no adventure plans made yet. Meriel and Brianna also returned, and the latter told the group that she had an adventure lead in the same area as the yak mission, showing them a parchment with some information on it, but was interrupted by the arrival of a soot-covered Skellion. With the core group now gathered, they decided to continue their discussion in one of the RDI's conference rooms.

Decisions, decisions

Once downstairs, they discussed what they were looking for in new group members as they ate, and then the interviewing process began. The two Dwarves, the two genasi, Simry, Stom, Fleur and Xotznoxl spoke to Meriel first, then Korey. Simry noticed Rei sitting at a table with a friend named Chad, and asked if she would be interested in adventuring. Rei agreed to talk to them, and eventually Chad did as well. The latter recognized Skellion from having stolen candy apples from his family's booth in the market, and Stom had to calm him. He mentioned that he specialized in something called Bombero-Fu, a martial art he learned from Rei's grandfather.

When the group returned to the main room two hours later, they had decided that Korey and Chad would not be joining them, but that Meriel and Rei were strong candidates. Chad was quite disappointed that he would not be able to, as he put it, protect Rei, which worried Thoren a bit. Also, the group decided that further inquiries still needed to be made, as they were still deficient in certain areas. The group mostly returned to the common room, where they listened to Orcasis, a band of orcs from Arin. They told Meriel they hadn't yet decided whether to allow her to joined the group.

The next morning, Meriel stayed upstairs to scribe another scroll for The Arcanist. Simry came downstairs to find Sloj, who told her he would be willing to stay one more day while they decided their course. Rosilyn then told her that the Council had taken back the mules they had been loaned. Meanwhile, Brianna sent a message to Lucille requesting a meeting as soon as possible. After breakfast, the party left the RDI to perform some errands.

The two priests of Vulcan went exploring the city, while Brianna and Fleur went into the market. Fleur hoped to find some herbs to help with hangovers, but was spotted by one of the servants of Master Windridge, whose pumpkin patch her sister had damaged several days earlier. The two went to an apothecary, but the price was too high.

Simry and Meriel went to The Arcanist, where Meriel sold Andiklor a scroll containing the phantasmal force spell. Simry asked about the possibility of selling a scroll containing cantrips, to which he replied there was little market for all but the most unusual ones.

Stom, Skellion, Thoren and Zeme went to find Chad to test his mettle at the temple of Perasin. They found him at his family's booth, where Stom tried one of their candies to his disgust, and Chad said he'd meet them later. The group went on to the temple, where they met up with Xotznoxl. Khalistov told Thoren that Molbo might be able to help with their communication problem. Molbo demonstrated a speaking stick for him and Zeme, which he promised to loan them if they brought Edam back, then sparred with the Dwarf. Stom then went on to spar with Chad, and Skellion and Thoren joined in. Stom defeated him with his wrestling skills, knocking him out, bringing Molbo over to heal him. Skellion then flew over and began going through Chad's belongings, and when no one stopped him, Molbo cast hold person on him. The Great Priest then asked Stom to remove him from the temple.

Meanwhile, Kurzik and Cedic wandered the marketplace. Cedic, unable to ignore a blacksmith demonstration that he considered unworthy of Vulcan, interrupted it and took over, much to the delight of the crowd.

The party gathered again for lunch, and Brianna noted that Lucille, Melio, two Elves and two Humans were at a table. Brianna joined them, and was introduced to Slash, NightShade, and Gabriella, but the fourth, a muscular Human, remained silent. Brianna and Lucille adjourned to a nearby alleyway, where they discussed the progress on getting the party to take on Arnje's mission. When Brianna returned, she was told of Skellion's faux pas, then about the speaking stick.

The group sent a note to Arnje asking for a meeting that evening. They also decided to extend an official invitation to Rei via Simry. The priestess expressed her concern over Skellion's behavior toward Chad, and Simry mollified her, saying that he would not behave in such a manner toward party members. Simry also mentioned the meeting with Arnje, but Rei said she would need to be notified about when the meeting would take place, as she needed to be present at the lighting of a bonfire at sunset in the field east of town. Either way, she said she would make a decision before the end of the night.

After lunch, the party separated again. Xotz and Stom went to tell Sloj about the meeting, while Brianna and Fleur went to Tarkus Academy to try and recruit another mage. They were barred from entering and disrupting classes, but were told that word would be passed on to the beginning students that the group was looking for an arcane spellcaster. Brianna went on to The Arcanist, where she gained some information both about the Council of Merchants and about Meriel.

Meanwhile, the group remaining in the RDI received word that Arnje would meet them at 5:30. A short time later, a black-robed, bald Human came to the group's table. He introduced himself as Zebulon Garnitura, an invoker attending Tarkus Academy. He indicated that he was a student of Zwann, whom Meriel said had a favorable reputation. Skellion asked about the black-and-red necklace Zebulon was wearing, which the wizard explained was the symbol of his favor of Malarik. Zebulon added that he wanted to perform a demonstration of his abilities and went over to the bar. Kurzik took the opportunity to express his concern about the caster's attire and Brianna indicated that Malarik was a neutral deity, but neither this nor Meriel's reassurances seemed to ease the dwarf's mind.

Kurzik then noted a man looking in their direction and pointed this out to Simry. The man walked over to the table, introduced himself as Calumet, and said that he'd gathered that they were looking for a scout. He indicated that he'd been observing the group, as they were clearly not being secretive about their activities. Fleur and Meriel's subsequent comments supported this observation, earning each a warning look from both Brianna and Kurzik. They discussed Calumet's skills as a wilderness scout and when Zebulon returned to the table, Calumet departed saying that he'd be in the area if they wanted to speak with him further. After further discussion of his abilities and reasons for joining the group, Zebulon departed as well, saying he'd return later to do his demonstration when the rest of the group was present. Later, a note arrived from Rei that said she would be unable to be at this evening's meeting.

The mission revealed

The group adjourned to the conference room and Arnje joined them to discuss his mission offer. He first told them of the loss of his boat in a collision with the Vinginnore ferry caused by his first mate. He claimed to need at least five hundred gold to repair it, but that he knew of a treasure in the Caves of Chaos, located north of Semmarch, to which he had acquired a map. Arnje described what he knew of the caves, which he said were inhabited by orcs and other such evil creatures. Despite some initial reservations, the group agreed to take on the mission. With that, Arnje took his leave so the group could continue with their recruiting work.

Simry and Stom left to fill Rei in on the details, and on the way out Simry told Zebulon to head downstairs to do his demonstration. The invoker showed those in the room his Bigby's Feeling Fingers spell using the mousetrap. He then departed, telling them that he would return after dinner to complete the demonstration of his offensive abilities. After a brief discussion about the remaining needs for the mission, everyone left to go to the bonfire except Brianna and Xotz, who stayed behind to wait for Zebulon's return.

At the bonfire, Simry met with Rei, who told her of the tradition of making an offering to Raskill by throwing something into the fire. Simry threw in some thread from her family's caravan, then returned to give Rei the information from Arnje. The fire priestess was still uncertain, but then Arnje arrived with a piece of his ship. Upon hearing his tale of mariners' folly, Rei was convinced. When Stom returned with his friends, Pete insulted Arnje, who drew his cutlass and threatened him. He was halted by the leader of the fire dancers, Mutua, who said this should be a time of peace and celebration. He told them of his journey from the city of Kimelis, but Rei cut his tale short with an issue regarding his dancers and he took his leave.

At the RDI, Zebulon returned and he adjourned with Brianna and Xotz to an alley next to the RDI. Once there, he cast a chromatic orb spell and threw an orange ball at a wooden crate. It missed its intended target and hit the wall of Inn, causing Garth to come running out to see what happened. Zebulon caused the crate to glow brightly with his second spell and explained the other abilities of the spell before they all headed to the bonfire. They told him they'd fill in the others to see if the group wanted him to join.

Meanwhile, Stom and Melctz ran into Skellion, and they continued to enjoy the festival's fine food and drink. Meriel met up with her cousin while the Dwarves and genasi wandered through the crowd in search of Simry. Thoren was the lucky winner of a prize in the festival's raffle, a coupon from Draper's Clothiers, and everyone settled in to watch the fire dancers.

Xotz and Brianna arrived at the bonfire and found a grounded Skellion. Brianna asked Stom to carry him back to the inn while Xotz filled in Simry, Fleur and the four-pack on Zebulon's demonstration. Simry ran after Brianna and the priestess did her best to fill in the pieces for her and then departed. Simry remained and passed the word on to the others as she encountered them. With the festival ceremonies done, the rest of the group headed back to the RDI with the intention to meet in the morning.

At breakfast, with Brianna's prompting, the group agreed to have Meriel, Rei and Zebulon join them. Fleur's inquiry as to Cypress' whereabouts was quickly squelched by Brianna and the topic turned to the adventure ahead. Simry pitched the idea of accepting Molbo's mission to get his yak and Kurzik said he'd talk to him about the matter. Fleur said she'd go with him so she could talk to Molbo about how to handle his yak. They were in the midst of trying to get a message to Zebulon about being accepted when the wizard enterred the inn.

With the meal done, Stom and the fighters headed off to Perasin's temple while Simry and Kurzik left for Sedrik's temple. Meriel took her leave to buy supplies in the market...

Cast of characters

Below is a list of characters who were involved at one point or another in this adventure:

Adventure timeline

Previous adventure Current adventure Following adventure
On the Good Ship Daikigyou
Starting Small
Into the Borderlands Current mission